Hi there!
My name is Nico. Nico Reeds.
My name is Nico. Nico Reeds.

My name is Nico Reeds and I was born when cars were still yellow: the 80’s.
I was hand-made with the point of making a lot of kids smile. Years have passed and this woman, a kindergarten teacher, the one who patiently built me, had a little girl. The same one I’m still hugging today: Célia.
Now, more than a friend, I can say I have a voice too. From books to lyrics, I read everything out loud with the point of showing that the same text can have different emotions depending on how you read it.
How cool is it?
So I became this project, and that’s when I got my name.

Nico was the name given by Andy Warhol to an icon anagram, Nico from Velvet Underground, known for her blue eyes, straight hair, and bangs.
Reeds come from the verb read and Lou Reed. One of the founders of the Velvet Underground. He and his lyrics are always so poetic. Of course, he is a fan of James Joyce and Allan Poe, two of the best poets and writers of all time.
And so am I.